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Recycling Heroes: On The Path Towards Zero Waste

This 2020 marks the third annual Global Recycling Day, a day to recognize the contribution the recycling industry makes to the long term sustainability of the planet. This year the theme has been Recycling Heroes.

Recycling Heroes

In 2016 Grupo Piñero set out towards more environmentally friendly management and one of the priority aspects was to improve waste management, and thus arose the need to implement a Selective Management System in all hotels. This project has considerably reduced the waste deposited in a landfill, which amounts to over 10,000 tons, which could’ve been traduced to a layer one meter high in an area equal to two soccer fields.

In 2019, the commitment to the rest of the business units and workspaces was reinforced, installing recycling containers in all the Group’s offices, reinforcing training, increasing internal audits, and optimizing data collection and analysis. The hotel division has increased its recycling rate by 7.5%, reaching 3,900 tons of recovered waste, specifically 580 plastic, 2,200 glass, 660 paper and cardboard, 155 metal, 214 oil, and 55 hazardous waste.

On this road to the circular economy, there are many changes that must be addressed, in this sense the year 2021 will mean the beginning of a new route that leads to Zero Waste, then we will stop talking about waste to make it into resources. As an example of this, in Tenerife there is a commitment to a waste recovery company in Tenerife, to generate Biogas from the organic waste from our hotels, this gas will be used in the operation.

A healthy environment positively influences the well-being and health, the quality of the air we breathe, the water we drink and the food we eat depends to a large extent on the state of conservation of our environment and, and of course, recycling helps.

Visit Grupo Piñero’s official website to read more about the actions as Recycling Heroes, taken to reach Zero Waste.