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Achieving Eco-Friendly Travel

Global concern for the environment is on its peak, and the travel industry is not left behind. As travelers, we leave our footprint in many places around the globe. However, it is possible to enjoy our vacation while still being dutiful with the environment. Today we go over a few tips to follow for eco-friendly travel.

We have a plastic problem. Reducing the use of single-use plastics is in the agenda of many companies and families. As it should be on ours, as responsible travelers.

Here are a few useful tips we can all follow during a vacation:

  • Travel with a refillable water bottle.
  • Pack a water filter. There are some small practical ones out there.
  • Carry your own cutlery.
  • Purchase beverages in glass bottles instead of plastic.
  • Skip the airline buds and carry your own headphones or earbuds.
  • Say no to plastic straws. You can purchase bamboo or metal straws if you really need it.
Did you know? Bahia Principe Hotels & Resorts joined the eco-friendly travel wave and aims to fully remove all plastics of single-use at all properties by 2020.

If you want to go a step further in your commitment to a plastic-free planet Use bio-degradable wet wipes. Trade the small plastic containers of soap, shampoo, and conditioner, for their bar version. Avoid face scrubs with microplastic beads. The collective concerns have paved the way for many eco-friendly options that do not hurt the pocket.

Going on a fishing trip? Be sure to abide by local bans and conservation efforts. Get familiar with seasons, size and limits. Avoid overfishing, you don’t always have to carry to maximum capacity. If you practice catch and release, use barbless and circle hooks to avoid harming the fishes. Also, the less time you take to snap a picture of the catch, the better. On a final and technical note, opt for non-toxic lures, artificial baits and eco-friendly tackles (lead-free).

How about renewable energy? For many it sounds like an impossible achievement for just one person. In all true it only take one person to make a change. Ever heard of solar energy? The sun is an endless resource of power. You can now easily acquire a solar powered charger to keep you gadgets charged.

Did you know? In 2019 Disney unveiled its 270-acre solar farm. During peak sun-hours, it produces 25% of Walt Disney World power needs. Oh and the farm has the shape of Mickey Mouse.

We recently published a quick guide on steps to follow for eco-friendly travel. Here are some others:

  • Avoid waste and guide others to join in as well.
  • If you go hiking pick-up any piece of rubbish you on your way.
  • Unplug any electronic device you are not using: microwave, A/C, television, etc
  • Close the tap! Water is not endless.
  • When using repellent and sunscreens try to skip on the aerosol cans and go for the environmental-friendly cream option.

Actually, why not join in the biodegradable wave? Plastic bags, bamboo toothbrush, organic bags…

Going vacation is meant to be stress-free and relaxing. Creating a sustainable form of travel means we will get to have many more vacations, and so will our children and theirs.

Visit our Travel Talk section to read about other travel recommendations.







